This week we were assigned with reading an article suggesting that many college graduates are socially unaware and come off as idealistic, lazy, and self-absorbed. While it may have been somewhat of a bold generalization, the article did raise some good points. Today many younger job candidates suffer not from a lack of knowledge, but a lack of social awareness. It is extremely important to understand what exactly is professional and acceptable in a work place. The article suggested today's youth struggles with this, but I feel that these lessons are ubiquitously necessary for anyone entering the work force no matter what generation you live in. No one is born knowing exactly what is acceptable in the work place or even just socially in general, but it is up to us to humble ourselves as we explore what defines professionalism. Social intelligence is being able to read a situation or environment where people communicate, and respond in an acceptable way. It means being humble enough to prevent unnecessary confrontation, respecting authority, and working together progressively even when it might not be the most convenient response. The article reminded me the importance of being socially aware in any given situation,
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